Doing programming since the 80s, I still see stuff that I would like to work which doesn’t. With all the LLMs in the world, programming is still fun, and I like to tinker around. While waiting to be able to put my blog on fledger, I finally started my blog here using hugo. I’ll write about my latest experiments in IT, and will probably also link to my professional articles I’m writing. Being a nerd means to me that, even though I’m paid for doing IT stuff, I continue doing more IT stuff afterworks. Even more so, now that I have some responsibilities which have nothing to do with programming…

Besides programming, I like running (finished 1 out of 3 marathons), playing the Saxophone at Church, hoping that capitalism will be kept at bay by democracy, and working on cryptography.

Traefik 101

- 13 mins read

Many of us are running traefik. If you’re like me, you copy/pasted some docker-compose.yaml from a webpage, added some labels to your other docker-compose.yaml files, and things went up and running. Sooner or later you want to have something more fancy, and you need to understand what you actually did. RTFM and all that, you look at, and … it’s a mess. Honestly, I’m lost in this documentation.

In this post I’ll walk you through the differences between static and dynamic configurations, I’ll show what other configurations than http exist, which providers you need, and how entrypoints, routers, and services play together if you mix manual and automatic configurations.